SSC Lotus Only day & Sprint @ Winton

Had a great day at the Simply Sport Cars Lotus only day at Winton ( North of Melbourne ) on Saturday. Entered the sprints, worked out which way the track went and eventually found how to cure understeer and found some reasonable time, great fun though with over 60 Loti attending …

Er … I wasnt in front for long … S1’s rock :wink:

a lap of Winton

Car looks and goes great Andy. I take it you’ve got no regrets?

Whose is the S1 then? Anyone we know?

The S1 owned by Joshua - “clockwork” from Melbourne and he just finished rebuilding it, still with VHPD - took about 3 years I think … looks fantastic and goes really good …

Regrets … no … I can drive to the track in comfort, have a good day of lappery at a sensible pace and drive home in comfort … so it works out fine so far, needs more front camber but I finally worked out how to drive around that and discovered Trofeo tyres really do need to be at no more than 2 bar for best performance so have a new learning curve which is fun …