Spy pictures of the new Esprit

Came across these and thought I’d share since I haven’t seen them posted anywhere else yet! Enjoy!

Cheers Phil

[image]conceptics.com — Software-Engineer, Photographer and Entrepreneur

[image]conceptics.com — Software-Engineer, Photographer and Entrepreneur

Hope not, doesn’t look nice IMHO. No cutting edge of design there

Agreed… it’s going to be hard to move on. Always adored the Lotus and at 1380kg weight, it wasn’t exactly all that heavy either. With the chance of the new one having a very powerful (but heavy) engine, it just doesn’t excite me all that much anymore.

Oh well…

With the chance of the new one having a very powerful (but heavy) engine, it just doesn’t excite me all that much anymore.

Oh well…

My money’s on the Lexus V10

Don’t really have much info on the Lexus engine… what are its specs? Pros and cons?

All I heard was that the old M5 engine with 400bhp (I believe the same one the Ascari uses)… but that was ditched?

The BMW was dropped some time ago - reported in most of the rags, I think