
Sat by the side of the road in Romford and a silver exige with a reg M5 EXG just went passed, which is the same as mine except mine has K5.
Anyway starting my job know

When mine comes back from Romford (Sinclairs) it will be sporting M9 EXG. Can’t wait :slight_smile:

Let me know when it’s back as i’d love to pop round for a look see. (Mine is also visiting Sincs in a few weeks, so i might even see M9 EXG when I’m there?)


Still surprised neither of you have seen my car around… we must meet up soon?

Passed Sinc’s on the way home (called at Tesco) and M5 EXG was there.

Yeah - I will do Gus. It will be good to check yours out too :slight_smile:

It’s still on the standard plates at the moment but you’ll probably see it at Sincs still looking sorry for itself :frowning: What are you booked in for?

Ade…I can’t believe it either…quite often passing through your neck of the woods as well.

Yeah…I’m all for it when I’ve got it back…although I’ll be plodding along at the back running it in :frowning:

Its just booked in for Geo (just fitted GAZ pros and Ertalon Bushes) plus an MOT.

Fingers crossed they don’t find anything else that needs sorting !!:eek:

[quote=Stretchbolt]Yeah - I will do Gus. It will be good to check yours out too :slight_smile:

It’s still on the standard plates at the moment but you’ll probably see it at Sincs still looking sorry for itself :frowning: What are you booked in for? [/quote]

im suprised i havent seen you around, must have to meet up in southend soon, me, you and ade, and whoever wants to join. be good