Spotted Yellow X reg Exige J24 Services of M5

Cheered me up spotting this one after driving the diesel slag for hours down the motorway.

Left an MLOC card on the drivers window (no calling cards).

Definitely the best colour

Definitely the best colour [/quote]

the best by a mile

Definitely the best colour

the best by a mile [/quote]

Nah…Quartz shows of the Exiges beautiful lines the best…yellow just looks like a jelly mould…lol

Definitely the best colour

the best by a mile

Nah…Quartz shows of the Exiges beautiful lines the best…yellow just looks like a jelly mould…lol [/quote]

Let the best colour war begin

Definitely the best colour

the best by a mile

Nah…Quartz shows of the Exiges beautiful lines the best…yellow just looks like a jelly mould…lol

Let the best colour war begin [/quote]


LOL … Titanium for the win!

How wrong can you guys be , heard safe money is going, on the nose, on new ali

Orange, Orange, Orange!!!

Orange is a very close second I must say

Orange is a very close second I must say

To Metalic Black

Orange is a very close second I must say

To Metalic Black

ha ha! no-yellow rules

Oh fook, what have I started?

Was only meant to be an “I spotted a lovely Exige which cheered me up” thread, not some precursor to all out war.

Yellow is the best FACT

Yellow is the best FACT

Couldn’t agree more!

I like them all


I like them all


But you know Blue is best!

Titanium for the win!

Close, but that’d be Gunmetal!


Definately white !!!