Spot the passenger

No prizes, but can anyone identify the “lucky” (read soggy undergarments) passenger?


PS I’m not going to tell you about the car either

It must be you, cos you always have soggy undergarments !!!

Oi! Spill!

That Gav?

Nice to see they agree the roof intake is pointless!


i cannae even see a passenger… never mind his/her soggy breeks…

It must be you, cos you always have soggy undergarments !!!

I do, but it ain’t me or Gay Lardy’s keeper

Hmm, is the German WW2 salute a clue?!

i know… the invisible man ??

Jeremy C?

Okay, I’ll give you a clue - it is a member of this bbs

Cant see to well but do they have a white open faced helmet ?


What about the car though?!


What about the car though?!


“Motorsport” version for the one make series in Germany - covered here a few weeks ago, after the prototype was at the Geneva Show.

Ah! The one that was better (but still not good enough!).

Loose use of the word ‘Motorsport’.

Still think it’s odd the top vent is closed though.


hey, isnt that number plate illegally spaced?

I think you’re on to something Phil!!!


Why is it a 53??! That’d mean it’s been around a while!!!

Stop the press! - “Old new Exige shocker!”


Why is it a 53??! That’d mean it’s been around a while!!!

What’s wrong with that, you ageist barsteward?

Ian congrats on reaching 1009 posts - but why have your last 10 posts read 1009

Board Watcher…


Whoever it is, here is a closer picture of them :stuck_out_tongue:

Is that Russ?!

Simon, thank you, or perhaps I should apologise for wittering on! A while back many of us had to re-register so I’m actually much more than that but nowhere near the most. I think the post counter always shows the current score, not the number it was made on?


Is that Russ?!

Nope, that would be toooo easy! See my earlier post confirming it was not “Gay Lardy’s Keeper”.

But the driver is of course Gav Kershaw, as you rightly spotted.