Sporting Bears Dream Rides - Sat 14th Sept - Brooklands

The Sporting Bears Motor Club are running the Dream Rides Charity Fund raising event this Saturday at Brooklands circuit.There will be numerous cars at this event, offering rides around the circuit for a charity donation. It’s an all day event which promises to be good fun.The Brooklands musuem will be open and there will be food available on site.Small and big kids welcome [image][/image]I’m taking my Exige and will be out there trying to raise a few pounds.Fancy a ride in a Lambo or a classic Bentley, the choice is yours!Would be great to see some other Loti on the day!CheersDamian

So what would everyones dream ride be?I’m keen to try a Cobra and a LamboOh, and a 190 Exige (mines still 177), or better still a supercharged Exige!