Sporting Bears Dream Rides - Sat 14th Sept - Brooklands

The Sporting Bears Motor Club are running the Dream Rides Charity Fund raising event this Saturday at Brooklands circuit.There will be numerous cars at this event, offering rides around the circuit for a charity donation. It’s an all day event which promises to be good fun.The Brooklands musuem will be open and there will be food available on site.Small and big kids welcome [image][/image]I’m taking my Exige and will be out there trying to raise a few pounds.Fancy a ride in a Lambo or a classic Bentley, the choice is yours!Would be great to see some other Loti on the day!CheersDamian

See you there Damian - 8am start!I’ve had a sneak preview of what’s going to be running:THREE ExigesSkylinesFerraris - 360, 328, 308GT4Lamborghini MiuraTwo CobrasEliseLancia StratosLotus Carltonand many more - 67 cars in total.Ride prices will range from �5 to �25Not only that - it looks like the weather is going to be kind to us!See you all there,Phil.

I’m there too. Looks like I better bring some cash, I fancy a big hit of torque! Although if the Exiges are really popular we could be busy.Apparently there’s about half a dozen Vipers.Ian [image][/image]

We had a great day at Brooklands and between the three Exiges raised about �350 quid!It has certainly proved (that despite showing the stone chips) an Orange Exige excites the public more than dark coloured ones. Phil did twice the rides of Damian or I.People seemed to love the Vipers, they were busy all day. Although you�ll be pleased to know they were not really much quicker than the Exiges. Not that the circuit was really suited to any kind of car. It was basically two straights with two tight bends. The Vipers had good power oversteer coming out of the bends and the Exiges broke much later, the Skylines were probably somewhere in-between. There were loads of cars from various eras, some had loads of rides others few. The Honda Goldwings did over 130 between them!We weren�t the only Lotus� there, there were a few Elise and a (chipped!) Lotus Carlton with a thumping load of power. There was just enough demand for three Exiges, especially in the afternoon. Not that it matter when we weren�t busy, as the Brooklands Museum is a great place; planes, cars, bikes, the Banking, etc.I�ve sent a pic to David to post of us on the Banking, watch this space.Cheers, Ian [image][/image]

Damian/Phil, can you let me have your e-mail addresses (mine is one my profile), I’ve got some pics and 0-60 data for you. Ta, Ian [image][/image]

Second that Ian, fantastic day. Looking forward to next year. The Exige had no trouble keeping up with the Vipers - especially when it came to the corners!

It was a very cool day. I managed to get rides in a Viper and an AC Cobra, both pretty powerful but not as quick as I imagined, especially in the corners.Good to meet you both after seeing your postings on here for so long. Hopefully the pictures on the embankment will do the scene justice! It was a struggle just getting out where I parked![email protected]

Picture as requested (Click to enlarge)[image][/image]

Guys,I’ve printed out the picture Ian sent to me as an A3 photo, looks excellent, if you’d like a copy each can you mail me an address to send them to?[email protected]