Splitter and clam retaining bolts

Can anyone help? I’m after a couple of the rear clam and front splitter retaining bolt and the cup washers that they sit in. The bolts are the dome head 4mm alen type. Seem to have lost two on a recent Taupo track session.

Any info on tracking them down i s greatly appreciated. cheers

I just recently ordered some little bits and bobs fastners from Bell & Colvill…could not believe they actually had them. Not the bits you’e looking for but similar! Worth a try…took three days to my door from phone call.


Lotus would be your best bet for an exact match. Part number will be in the Exige manual if you’ve got it.

You can get cup washers but I don’t think they’re an exact match.

Probably easier to knock some up in an engineering shop locally to tell you the truth.

Jez I’ll bring them if you can source them but as you rightly say you might be better of with local supplier.
We have an excellent fastner supplier in Bury so I can nip over to get a Stainless supply if you give me a quick shout with your reqs.
NB we leave UK on the 21 Dec…
Cheers , Bernie

Cheers , Bernie


Cheers , Bernie

[image]> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v222/Exiges/SNB20084-1.jpg> [/image]

I feel a caption contest coming on…

Cheers , Bernie

[image]> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v222/Exiges/SNB20084-1.jpg> [/image]

I feel a caption contest coming on…

You mean like…

Yes… I know I said ‘my dentures/eyeballs/otherballs/falseleg/ear and wig are vibrating loose’…


Line em up Max, I’m on my way now that the missus has buggered off!

Oops sorry about the Bernie gag Clive. Guess its out of the bag now then? But hey i couln’t of been the first person to bring the uncanny likeness of you and the F1 supremo together, could I?

I will have a look next week at the local fasteners retailers and the engineering firms down town. Will let you know. If i don’t send you an email before the 21 Dec have a safe and enjoyeable flight. Weather here is good at the mo averaging 24 C. A hot summer on teh way me thinks?