Speedline Wheel interest on SELOC..

[quote=RexS]Sold my TMRs because of the damage factor, kerb hopping when racing.
The SJR Leggero wheels i have for sale are nearly as light but are much much stronger, raced with them for 3 seasons with loads of kerb hopping and they are still as good as new.
In my eyes they suit the car better than the TMRs. [/quote]

Piccies please? :slight_smile:

Yep they did Rob, a matter of weeks after I got my wheels. It made me paranoid about damage as I knew I couldn’t get a replacement. Hence why I always keep an eye out for what’s potentially available.

Dymag wheels look great, get a picture up mate

Finally found a pic Chris!

They look great! Where can I order a set from? Oh yeah the manufacturer has gone bust :frowning:

Why do the guys making the best looking wheels go BUST :angry:

This is NUTS! I would go for a set of those as well!!!


Pete did you get my email?

Yes mate, sorry!

V Nice they are… but after the 5 spokes like speedlines!

Many thanks anyway! :sunglasses: