
can anyone confirm the maximum financial penalty/fine for speeding on the road (non-motorway) is �1000?

yes… the c*nts finally caught up with me (after threatening me in July…)

1K max yes (�2.5K max if on Motorway).

Check this link:

What speed were doing? Surely not �1,000 worth?

its means tested, and unfortunately they will take me to the cleaners

62 in a 30

Oooh! Best of luck. A good lawyer really helps as I discovered a few years ago after I was pulled for topping the ton on the M61

well i have been to court today and came away with 6 points and a �400 fine!

if anyone else gets into problems i do recomend the pepipoo site:) and one of their main solicitors robert dobson - a mate of mine after getting caught doing 118 on a motorway.

62 in a 30 is very naughty though, sorry.

skiddo what speed were you doing out of interest

i wasn’t, it’s his quote. he was doing 118 on a motorway.

its means tested, and unfortunately they will take me to the cleaners

62 in a 30

That qualifies for an instant bad i’m afraid

“been there, done that”

You’ll need a good lawyer. Good luck.


representing myself. if i’m going to pay a grand, i want value for money.

You didnt get done on the M6 aswell did you Tim? For me it was clean licence and a tad over the limit = big fine and 28day ban. Cumbria not a good place to get caught.

Don’t forget that +30mph over the limit = instant ban.

You will need to demonstrate (e.g. letter from employer) that a loss of license will mean loss of job.

Just saying hardship like being late due to pulic transpiort is viewed as fair punishment for the “crime”

Why don’t they get the real criminals
