I am leaving in a few days, so if someone wants it let me know asap
In case I don’t get another chance, just a quick word to wish you & family every success for the future I’ve enjoyed meeting you, & thank you for your contributions to exiges.com - let us know how you get on, & say hello to Demis Roussos on your “Island in the sun”
Thank you very much mate.
It is a shame i couldn’t organise a meeting so i can say goodbye to a few guys i met over the last years. Reason is that i still haven’t finished with the things i have to do before i leave. I have been let down by the property agent, the guy who bought my Saab of ebay, the guy who was supposed to buy my furniture etc. I hope i’ll sort everything before Friday!
Although i am leaving UK, i will still be here in exiges.com so we’ll keep in touch. In the end of the day, whatever i do in Greece, it will be Lotus related one way or another.
The fanny thing is that i still haven’t realised that i sold my Elise! Sometimes i still think about the next development but then i remember that she is not in the garage anymore! Yesterday i bought a guy car (Elise S2 ) and soon i’ll convert it to LHD and register it in Greece. The most worrying thing is that i like it!
Cheers George. I wish you the very best for your new venture. Thanks for all the advice and help over the years. Cheers and make sure you visit online now and again.