sorry but i dont have a good word to say

And that is about car dealers.Last week i took a trip to an anon performance dealership mainly out of curiosity but with some interest in an evo 6.Well today i got to find out how much they think my exige is worth and in fairness he did say he would still try for me,but guess how much they reckon .This is an immac 16000 mile 190 car, well you know that cause im always polishing it.Ok fast forward a bit. There probably going to forcourt it at say 22-23 thou right so how come they can only offer me 14 grand then.It just does my fruit i dont want anyone to take this personally but theres profit and theres taking the piss people!

That’s ridiculous! I think they were quoting you an Elise price!

Try they must have just give MR Tomato nearly �20k for his (see the met balck on in the For Sale/Wanted section).


I would have been soooo pissed off.
Definitey a personal insult.

Are they still alive?


I presume you’re talking about Ralliart/Co-ordsport or whatever they call themselves nowadays? During 2001/2002 (can’t remember the exact dates) they had an Exige in their showroom for months & months, at what I can recall as being a sensible price at the time. That was before “the masses” had even heard of, let alone seen one on the road or the track. (The Suburu boys were just beginning to move over to EVOs at this time!) So given their previous experience, & January/February not being the best months to sell cars…

Oddly enough, I was one of the first UK owners of an EVO V1 in 1999, & I sold it in December 2000 to buy my Exige.

Im not going to name them but the salesman at ralliart ,did price it as an exige and yes i think i remember the exige they had for sale and i questioned that with them,and i got the kinda blank look.So Mr PESKY sir you didnt rate the evo, any reason in particular

just about alive i had had a curry the nite before so if my dog breath didnt do any damage then the big turd i left on there doorstep will certainly wipe em out


My EVO was a fantastic car, so yes I did rate it, & indeed very highly. Trouble was, I was doing over 20K miles a year in it (running costs = BIG ���), & driving through cities (particularly Manchester & Brum) I was [censored] scared of being car jacked I had previously owned a Scooby TypeR directly before the EVO. Both cars were becoming desirable to scumbags/max power brigade, so I decided to get rid. Oh, & the Police paid them particular “attention” whenever thay saw them on the road too!

However, I’ve never been happier than when I’m driving the Exige - for all the reasons which are well documented by the owners on

just about alive i had had a curry the nite before so if my dog breath didnt do any damage then the big turd i left on there doorstep will certainly wipe em out

Yup would have been early 2002 that they had the - I think it was Cobalt Blue ? - Exige at that place in Dudley … \

I know becuase I had started looking at that time and they had no longer got it when I went to look one afternoon in March 2002.

Is it that long ago ?

That’s ridiculous! I think they were quoting you an Elise price!

Try > > they must have just give MR Tomato nearly �20k for his (see the met balck on in the For Sale/Wanted section).


Yeah, they’d be worth a try… they didn’t give me quite �20k for it, a shade under �19k, but then my car had just under 24k on the clock and was a std 177bhp

I would eb mightly pissed off if someone offered me �14k for had I been interested in their car

Surprise Surprise! Ralliart of dudleeeeey

Ive been up there numerous times with my girlfriends brother who desparately wanted an Evo5 only to recieve absolutely crap service from the salesmen. He has left his number loads of times and had the money waiting but never had a call and on 2 occassions returned a week later to find the exact car he wanted with sold in the window!

Pesky’s definately right with the costly running! Another mate has a yellow Evo5 with only about 12k on the clock and is already on its 3 clutch + flywheel @ �1000 a time, second transfer box at silly money and about 30 sets of tyres But they are pretty awesome!

Their p/x prices are silly though! Dont worry its not just the Exige…
My Sister was after a TT over Xmas. We found one at another dealer but she wanted to p/x her 9month old Alfa 147. Being local the garage got a trade in price off Ralliart (as they are now an Alfa dealer too!)

Guess how much…


Say no more

Goldstar Racing have my Exige up at �23k!

TT not tempted to make a bid are you?

That is cruel

How is cold turkey, anyway TT ???