Soon to be a 2 car owner

A few months ago I was in the market for a small-small car that had 4 seats, used little fuel and with a good chuckability factor.
My missus doesn’t drive the Exige, but she wants to throw the car into corners as the best Italian

We went for the… Panda!

Yes I know, a fridge on wheels, but it handles quite well actually!


Quite simple really. Was at my local Toyota garage (doing some warranty work on the Yaris) on Weds 28th Dec, & wandered into the showroom. Saw the Aygo, liked it & thought I should get a good deal by swapping Yaris & Ka at same time for 2 Aygos - esp at time of year. Got dragged thro the bullshit car sales routine, where “sales executive” has to run off & see “sales manager” every 10 minutes to discuss my reaction to their offers. I really detest this “sales technique”. 1 hour later, they still don’t make me an offer “I can’t refuse”, & won’t tell me what THEIR bottom line was to do a deal for 2 cars to be sold by Friday 30th Dec.They said that they’d already hit their target for Dec, so I’d be looking at Jan. I decide to bugger off, telling them I’d probably contact them the next day.

Later on Weds, I drive 20 miles to see my mum in hospital in Rochdale. On the way home at 4.45pm I call in at Rochdale’s Peugeot dealer to look at the 107 (basically same car, with some different detailing). Explained what I had in mind, & asked were they interested in doing a deal in December.Answer was yes, so after 15mins there, it was left that they’d do some figures & get back to me 1 hour later. Hey presto, deal agreed by close of play on the 30th Dec! Cars collected on 3rd & 5th Jan respectively.

Daft thing is, Peugeot dealer & Toyota dealer are both part of the same group of Companies.

Sorry for going on, but you did ask

PS Toyota sales exec phoned me mid morning on the 30th, to enquire if I’d had any further thoughts.

PPS Road Tax on Ka expired on 31st Dec & both dealers knew that, & also that it was one of the reasons I wanted to swap.

PPPS If things hadn’t needed to have to move so quickly, then I may well have stuck with Toyota - since 1997 had (all new) Carina, Picnic & 3 Yaris T Sports, all as family cars, & have been delighted with both the product & service. Unfortunately, a number of factors meant that I’d not got a lot time to spend negotiating etc

A few months ago I was in the market for a small-small car that had 4 seats, used little fuel and with a good chuckability factor.
My missus doesn’t drive the Exige, but she wants to throw the car into corners as the best Italian

We went for the… Panda!

Yes I know, a fridge on wheels, but it handles quite well actually!

I believe the build quality is amazing, I quite like them to be honest

cheers Pesky

perfect answer… thanks for taking the time… same sort of story from me when i went to look for a Boxster a few years ago (i know i know… ) Anyway, wouldn’t gve me the time of day and called my M3 a 3-series with a big engine… so nect day I pooped into the Lotus dealer for a look at the elise… … stupid barrstterrds…

enjoy yer Pug(s)

I believe the build quality is amazing, I quite like them to be honest

Can’t complain (it’s the top spec Panda BTW, it’s got all the electronic gadgets) and even each of the sales rep that I saw said they preferred the Panda handling and build than any of the bigger Fiats.

They’re on to something

cheers Pesky

perfect answer… thanks for taking the time… same sort of story from me when i went to look for a Boxster a few years ago (i know i know… ) Anyway, wouldn’t gve me the time of day and called my M3 a 3-series with a big engine… so nect day I pooped into the Lotus dealer for a look at the elise… … stupid barrstterrds…

enjoy yer Pug(s)

And what did the Lotus dealer call your M3 then?

But used almost no fuel…

Bet this one does, though


I think thats flipping brilliant, hope you guys do too

Reminds me of cartoon characters strapping themselves to rockets!

guys guys - do you realise you are using words like Aygo, Yaris, Panda enthusiastically etc…on an thread?

Who’s going to start the flower arranging thread?

Time to go home now in my Yellow MR2…

I think this is a lovely arrangement


And what did the Lotus dealer call your M3 then?

LOL… can’t remember if he even mentioned it

Happy birthday Rox!

This is nuts

fantastic - doesn’t seem to have any issues with remaining upright, and love the way they just shove it in the back of a van at the end!

That was funny. Was waiting to see if he ended up in the tree, but certainly a SMART little car. Now if only manufacturers can get it into their heads that people want fun cars like these we wouldn’t be subjected to expensive, boring, underpowered euroboxes.

Good news for you then - see > HERE >

Right on! My GTI probably has a couple more years in it, but the more options I have for my next daily driver the better.

Who was holding the camera in the back (of a Smart?!) whilst he was doing donuts?!

pwe, do they sell Renaults in the States? The Clio Trophy is apparently something pretty special (to driver rather than look at).


Good news for you then - see > HERE >

Right on! My GTI probably has a couple more years in it, but the more options I have for my next daily driver the better.

Life’s too short , why wait 2 years! I would imagine a convertible one would be perfect in your climate - just using the roof when it got too hot.

Have to go to York to collect it though

You’ll have to pop round for a cup of tea!