Somone's coming home???


Eyes of a Hawk! :clap:

Someones going racing again!?!!


Ha,ha, you dont miss much Tim :clap: the answer to you boys is maybe and maybe :confused:

It’s hard to tell what ‘home’ is nowadays! I will be moving further West, not sure if that will be back to the UK or another European location (one that’s close to some of the best tracks :sunglasses: )

Hopefully the Elise SC is going to its happy new home in the next few days. It’s been a fantastic perfoming and reliable car. Once I confirm my next location and whether I need LHD or RHD then I fancy something more track focussed. There’s some great roads around here but I’ve missed the more ‘spirited’ circuit driving and the crac of Lotus trackdays.

What should I get next though :confused: Which way should I go?? I’ve got splinters in my ass from sitting on the fence!

Evora - after driving Pierre’s car I fell in love with the V6 soundtrack and low end torque, but is it too refined for a weekend toy and track car?
R300/400 - always fancied a Caterham but can’t get international 365 day insurance on one :frowning: it would need to have a cage as well if I’m taking it on track
Lotus Cup / Open Class Elise - perfect for hardcore track days but a bit harsh on the road (I know I’ve had 3 race cars before), I’m tempted to move from the dark side (rallying) and try a couple of LCE races though!
Exige S1 - I nearly bought Shrek from Pete 2 years ago but opted for the SC instead which I still think was the correct decision at the time. Still fancy an S1 but only for a sensible price, there seems to be a lot of market hype at the minute!
Nothing - only joking :wink: life’s too short

That’s the fantastic problem in the world of Lotus, there’s so many great choices of cars :stuck_out_tongue:

Market hype! Wait till you see the effort I’ve put into my rear calipers alone… :mrgreen:

Diamond…goats ass?

One million $$$dollars$$$ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Fixed that for you …

Thanks for that Dave, are you trying to confuse me even more? :confused:

yes no yes don’t know think so no really yes no no no no no no no yes, come and have a go in a sequential car if you dare!!! :smiley:

340r - there’s even an audi turbo one so you can finally get a lotus tail out properly na na na na :wink: :laughing: