Social distancing in Exige

With the sun beaming down and the Exige un-SORNed it was hard to resist a trip out on Sunday. Mrs T and I did venture out but did not step outside the car, although early on a solo trip to fill the tank I had a few fraught moments. I had to use a pump and forgot to put a glove on, the Shell app would not allow me to pay remotely, then inside the garage my card would not chip and pin and the garage/ mini supermarket was full of people standing too close to each other.
However, we sped down the M6 and took the new link towards Morecambe where we planned to sit and look across the spectacular bay with views towards the Lake District .
Sandwiches packed, flask of hot water for green tea and ginger infused. But every man and his dog was out. And they were not 2 metres apart.
Guided by “Nurse Thompson” we kept the windows up and avoided eye contact so we did not have to discuss the pleasures of Lotus ownership or the state of the nation. Christ, it was bloody hot in there as our sandwiches disintegrated.
We tried to read, admired the view and then decided to head for home.
Mrs T( never a fan of the Exige) declared it one of the most uncomfortable, smelly, hot and unpleasant drives she had ever endured.
Seemed ok to me.

Crack the windows next time :thumbup:

Enjoyed the write up. Looks like you had fun

Yep,it was a pretty good outing all things considered, and Mrs T’s sarnies are always top class! Looks like it will be the last Lotus outing for a while. But let’s keep the chat going on here.

Do you think she might have been refering to you rather than the car? :laughing:

Could be! Being side by side in the Exige is about as close as I ever get to Mrs Thommo these days :open_mouth:

Good read Steve but what we really need to know is what was in the sandwiches? :wink:

Good read, glad you managed to get out before the lockdown!

Nipped out into the Peak District on Sunday for a quick blast - roads so quiet. After about half an hour felt rather guilty, when there’s so much grim news about and wasn’t enjoying it one bit, so returned home - all cars being sorn at the end of this month :frowning:

Stay safe out there all :thumbup:

I love your adventures in your yellow exige. It is part of you. I can never understand how you get out looking so cool. I was drenched every trip!

The Gentleman exiger is how Hypo, my tall nuclear mate, and I always refer to you as :blush:

Great write up. Thanks

Ham and egg salad. Although I know from Pesky how highly rated your missus’ tucker is

That’s so kind. I’ve always aspired to be a Gentleman.
I don;t get so hot in the Exige cos I’m Captain Slow behind the wheel. And The Gentleman Exiger when I get out

And as we have a social distancing thread running here, let’s all keep in touch. and get some more activity on here as otherwise I’m going to have to start gardening or doing bloody jigsaws like the sandwich-maker-in-chief, Mrs T.
Confinement is not suiting me. I created a super chorizo and vegetable stew, garlic bread, the works tonight. Then catapulted a full glass of Rioja over the cream carpet… £500 replacement for carpet I was icily informed.
Thankfully her ladyship did not accuse me of being pissed . . . otherwise there might have been some midnight digging and burying under the patio.

Try shaving foam on the red wine stain. I am not pulling your leg here!

… and then shave the carpet. No stain.

Carpet buggered.
Exige goIng back on SORN. I used to be an optimist until I started listening to Boris and his medical pals.

See above

Your carpet is knackered as well? Whats the chances?