So who paid £155 for remote control S1?

Had my eye on this, but not at �155


I was tempted until if got above �75

Me Too…but only for a desk ornament.
Anybody know if you can buy the bodies/chassis separately?
Could do with a big scale S1 Exige Model

The item is no longer available complete as it is classes as an old model. You can order all of the parts from the company that made them.

I bought on new. They are very fast, have a 3 speed transmission but the brakes aren’t up to much. Painted mine yellow but the black one looks awesome.

You can get this shell

Green Lotus

You can put battery or nitro chassis underneath.

You can get the body shels from HPI Racing in 1/10th scale to fit other rc cars

Also they do s2 exige as well as s1

I bought on new. They are very fast, have a 3 speed transmission but the brakes aren’t up to much. Painted mine yellow but the black one looks awesome.

Sounds like the original!!!

I have this one.

which I never use (probably 5 years since it ran) so I’m probably open to offers if anyone is interested.

It has a new S1 Exige shell in Orange fitted but never been used in anger.