So, Ally .......

What are you getting then that’s tempted you to sell the Exige?

well, the poor lad needs a new roof 'cause we all know that not only Exiges are leaking…and Glasgow is not always that sunny…as I had to learn myself [image][/image] but Sandra please, don’t tell anybodycheers,Bruno

Jeezuz, don’t do that Sandra! “So Ally…” sounded like I was about to get a telling off for sommat. [image][/image]Anyway, I removed my brain sometime ago, placed it in a jar and ordered a Radical SR3 with delivery due soon (allegedly). Still love the Exige but can’t keep the two I’m afraid. Hope you’re still having a blast in yours. [image][/image]Brunski, you must have brought the sunny Swiss-cheese weather with you. Hence the sheep attacking your car and not mine. They wanted revenge for the poor weather. [image][/image]

Ally, you cheeky sod…you know what,if I look at all these Radical delivery time promises, something just struck me… [image][/image] they are even worse than Lotus… [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]keep it locked…Bruno

Tell me about it. I’ve seen pictures of my chassis and ancillaries today though so we’re getting there. Just awaiting an SVA date around end of August. They had to make some mods (and rockers) to the originals design to pass it. Keep it rocked… [image][/image]AL

bloody hell, that means, you can drive the beast on the road as well?.. [image][/image]looking forward to a blast over Glen Coe then… [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]later,Bruno