So £65k in your pocket....

…and porsche are being penis’ about the GT4. What do you buy?

(no cheating, 65k is the hard limit, no “id haggle him down” cheeky 68k entries) - 1 car

slow day at work

Going to be the same as in the GT3 thread, sorry. One of them Datsun’s with all the gizmos.


Get some nice r8 v10s

And spend the change on a couple of really good holidays and a few track days!!!

Only £61995 yeah baby… :smiley:

…just under £60k, and spend the rest on some tuition learning how to drive it!

Yeah I know someone with one of the Masers, kinda spoilt it for me :frowning:

If I did not have an Exige then that kinda money gets you an LF1…hard to ignore.

If I was a power-crazed turbo nutter then it would have to be a Datsun.

But then again

Evora :wave:

I used to like them until I lapped one at Donny. Sound great though.

Another rental flat yielding 5K a year in income … Buys a lot of BAT Caterham track days !!

V6 on the 2 year finance deal will only be 30k down…

That’s true, I’ll take this manual V10.

White? Well at least I know what to get you for your birthday, some fibre glass pillars for the front of the house and two model dogs.

Kidding, don’t mind white cars

Nothing wrong with nice white cars! :cry: :neutral_face:

Track / race cars different rules apply

I don’t know Tim, last week a Linux snob now you’ve moved on to white cars! :stuck_out_tongue:

Always hankered after a R8. I do wonder how living with something so wide would work out though?

Ha, my Neighbour had one, you probably saw it driving around warrington area…but he didn’t pay for the tuition, and it doesn’t exist anymore :cry: