Snetterton 17/4 - Exige S2 Stg 2 exhaust 4 sale.

If anybody wants a very cheap Exige S2 Stage 2 exhaust then they can have mine.

I will be up at Snetterton for the day and need to get rid of the Stage 2, now - it’s not perfect as as the 2 small brackets that give rigidity to the 2 pipes have come away - the box itself is 100% sound and as typical with Lotus - it broke.

So for 2 very small welds the box should last for a few more years, I got rid of the box originally as it was too loud for the track and replaced it with a jim special 7 x 24, only when it came off did we discover that the brackets had come away.

So, for �25 it’s yours, the money will not go in my pocket, but will go direct to Pancreatic Cancer - a very worthwhile charity.

hi fatcat re jimbos 7x24,i got one about a month ago well made sounds does the sound/quality compare with the lotus stage 2.everybody else seems scared to buy the best exige colour krypton

The stage 2 was just too uncomfortable on journeys lasting more than 30 minutes, that together with the noise levels on tracks now being enforced more and more it made sense to change it.
Not really had a chance to drive the car as yet, so the outing at Snetterton will really be it’s first.


Do you still have this exhaust?


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