sneak peek....

just picked her up tonight after having the go faster stripes stuck on (worth at least 2 tenths)…

Well it may not be the fastest out there but I can assure you it will be the best looking car on the grid!!



I’ll get some better piccies up over the weekend these were just off the phone while it was being done.

Is it just me, or does the front end look as if it�s smiling at you .

Actually, it kinda reminds me a bit of this:

I really like it, looks very cool indeed .


yes, a big cheesy grin David…

you need to see the car in the flesh to get the full effect, it looks pretty good to my eyes…

design idea nicked from here - - (that doesnt mean anyone else can nick it btw!!)

Gav, as I told you earlier today, replace the badge with a red nose

Looks bloody fantastic mate

Gav, what happened to that lovely big wing of yours?

not allowed to run it in Class A…Everything has to be standard (ish)…

I have had to change the glass back, change the wing, change the diffuser, change the dampers (now running a custom made set of 46mm single way ohlins - speak to Graham @ Plans), put the pax seat back in, change back to a Lotus exhaust and standard ecu… etc. etc.


Nice hairdryer


yes well when you have flowing locks like mine you need all teh kit…


Wow, Gav, that really is stunning. Look forward to seeing it for real tomorrow

First pictures didn’t do it justice. Final shot shows it is brilliant. Well done!

Gav, that looks amazing!

Good luck for the coming season.

Nice work, sorry to hear you had to undo a lot of what you did

i like that alot, is the white painted or is it all vinyl ?

what have you done with the Motorsport ECU ?, can i borrow it

Thanks for all the very nice comments guys. As soon as I saw that piccy I had to have my car looking the same (well as close as possible anyway given it was a different front clam). A very simple design yet very bold and quite dramatic in effect. Well you would think it was a simple design… The guy who did it for me was F’ing and blind’in trying to run the stripes up and over the hump instead of going around it. It does look really cool though as it comes over the engine cover. I think the area around the intake on the front clam gave him a bit of grief also…

I very nearly went with the design from last years Cadena cars but decided it wasnt loud enough. I quite like the new design for this year but I’m still favouriing my effort tbh… (well i would wouldn’t I??)

Nice work, sorry to hear you had to undo a lot of what you did

It wont slow me down too much jamie have no fear…

i like that alot, is the white painted or is it all vinyl ?

what have you done with the Motorsport ECU ?, can i borrow it

It is all done in vinyl Phil, Im going to see how well it lasts and what I still think to the design in 6 mths time and then perhaps get it painted on permanant.

ECU?? I see no problem as long as it still works when I get it back…

The car looks fantastic!

Yep looks even better in the flesh Gav - looked like you were going pretty well too…even with a headache