Small video cameras

I’m vaguely thinking off getting a video camera for trackdays but I’d really like one that is small enough to mount in unusual places, near the wheel for example (front or back). Does anybody know what options are available?


My company sells a brand of camera for motorsports. Mounting in odd places is what it is designed for. Note, I am not here to advertise, and perhaps this does not even make sense since I am in the USA and my camera outputs NTSC video. But it will give you some ideas I would think. You may want to check out some of the videos we have captured.I would also be happy to answer any questions.

Have got small remote colour video cameras, matchbox size. Requires 12v power supply, external video recorder. About �30 each, Interested???

tell us moredoes it have digital or analogue inputJohnC

Composite video and sound, just like a regular telly. Outputs ntsc signal due to far eastern origin.