But… erm… I guess you knew that… duh.

Thank goodness for that - glad it’s sorted [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]

woo hoo !!! - what was wrong David ?You Compaq hardware playing up [image][/image]

3 huge cheers - well missed past few days…

Godd to see it again David. Thank Goodness. I couldn’t survive without my daily dose!Mike

Ya Hoooo!Glad to see it back

The absense has reminded me how much I enjoy it.So, thank you David for providing this little cyber playground.Cheers, Ian [image][/image]

Oh No !! is back on line !! my home life will be back to normal now [image][/image]

I thought I was the only one with withdrawal symptoms. [image][/image]I can come out of my closet now and admit it. I got so much work done these days!, back to normality now. [image][/image]Uldis

it was like COLD TUUURKEEEEY!!!I can get my fix again now [image][/image]

Are we sad or what [image][/image]YeahReally missed it - glad to see it’s backDavid

I missed you all. I just didn’t know what to do with myself. The missus was happier, though. [image][/image]

There was a geat guy called Dave.A hit on his web-site we crave.The site went down -It made us all frown.But now it’s back!!! Hip Hip Hooray!!!Sandra xxx