Silverstone GP, were to go ?

I wasn�t quite sure where to post this but never mind.

I�m going to try and get some tickets to the British Grand Prix, and I was just wondering if any of you have any recommendations on where to book tickets, I�m favouring Stowe or maybe Copse; but any input would be hugely appreciated.


PS. Anyone else going to try to get to Silverstone to watch the race ?


Best going to the practices on Thurs & Fri, & watching the qually & race on the gogglebox

Never thought about going down the route of just going to the practices. Top idea (and a hell of a lot cheaper I imagine).



I have a feeling are it’s all or nothing. The tickets are for all days. You could always go to a test and blag your way into the paddock. Get your girlfriend to get friendly with the guys on the gate and your in! Just make sure she doesn’t get too friendly! I agree with Mr P tho, just watch it on TV. It’s so boring live.

I have a feeling are it’s all or nothing. The tickets are for all days.

Just looked at the Silverstone website, & you’re right! Don’t know when it changed, cos I’ve not been for some years

Sorry, David However, I believe that the teams are staying at Silverstone, after the GP, for 3 days of testing on June 13/14/15

Was that when Froilan Gonzalez won Mr P???

Was that when Froilan Gonzalez won Mr P???

No, but Bernie Ecclestone was in short pants!

Come to think of it, he still is


There are usually touts hanging around the fair-ground side of the bridge outside the gates. Naturally, they’re going to be expensive for any reasonable tickets.

I’ve got four Gold 4 tickets, Row A (front) facing the start line. I shall be selling two when they arrive.

Sorry, David However, I believe that the teams are staying at Silverstone, after the GP, for 3 days of testing on June 13/14/15

I think testing is free to get in, I have in the past anyway.

I just parked up at the back end of the circuit with some mates by the chicane, sat on a bank in the sun on our own with a picnic and played Frisbee during lunchtime.

Great day.


Was certainly free last year when me and Tap went clicky. Someone nicked my phone out of my camera bag though , wouldn’t get that happening at a MESC race eh…

I�m defiantly off to see the testing, but oh no, look at that they�re all school days, what a terrible shame (week after exams - remember them? - I figure I deserve it )