Silverstone 11th Sept

Next round of the Mid Engined Sports Car Series.

Come & support your fellow Exigers who are racing - please!

Just had the instructions through - We are at the end again so qualifying at 11.45, race approx 4-ish. There are seventeen entries, plus latecomers, including a couple of Nobles, Ariel Atom, 340R, Lotus 23 and several Exiges.


Are you still going to race Matt’s car?

Hopefully, yes. It is looking unlikely that mine will be ready, so I just need to give Matt the nod. Should be pretty wick on the back straight!

Hi Russ, I’m gonna try and make this but are there any other dates for the Mid Engined Sports Car Series this year?

Should be pretty wick on the back straight!

Wick! Freudian slip, or what?

Hi Russ, I’m gonna try and make this but are there any other dates for the Mid Engined Sports Car Series this year?

Peter, next (& final) race is Donington on 10th October. Would be great to see you (plus Simon & Geoff) there too - who’s turn to buy the ice creams?

Should be pretty wick on the back straight!

Wick! Freudian slip, or what?

I think he originally meant to type Kwick, and then realised that it is only quick because Matt took the ‘K’ out !!!

In Shanghai back late Sunday.
Testing the anti lag Monday at Brands if anyone wants a pax ride. Also down there with a VXR…

Should be pretty wick on the back straight!

I think he originally meant to type Kwick, and then realised that it is only quick because Matt took the ‘K’ out !!!


We’ll be there, sadly not in our exige though as we are picking up our motorsport cover from Mike.
Simon & Elaine

…Matt took the ‘K’ out !!!

LOL - that’s pretty good for you mike!

We’ll be there, sadly not in our exige though as we are picking up our motorsport cover from Mike.
Simon & Elaine

Absolutely !!!

Tis entered in the diary Rob

Simon - Pray for a dry day, go to the meeting in Exige sans engine cover, fit the Motorsports version there - prob solved

Is anyone making any special plans to meet up somewhere on the circuit? Will try and make it but have important date at big LandRover Show this weekend also.

Good question any idea where we could all meet?

Its also great to hear of someone with as good taste as Elaine and I,… an Exige and Landrover

“Is anyone making any special “plans” to meet up somewhere on the circuit?”…

Well you could meet at Plans Motorsport

We’re running six cars in the Mid Engined Sports Car race (Practice 11:45 Race approx 4:30pm):

Two Elise S1 Sport 190’s #8 and #31;
One Motorsport Elise #7;
One Exige #46;
Our S2 racer #13; and
a Noble M12 #98

We’ll be in Garage 12 - if any exige.comers are planning to come along - feel free to say hello!


sounds like a kind offer and certainly some interesting things for us to look at

Cheers Graham - will see you there, although will be “assisting” in Russ’s pit