Silver Exige in EVO

Another series of Exige pics, this time in silver, appear in this month’s EVO.

As a titanium S1 owner, it is perhaps logical that, for me, this is by far and away the best looking S2 example I’ve yet seen in the press or on the web.

What is very interesting is that this car only generates half the downforce of the S1 at 100mph. Particularly interesting because, in an earlier EVO article, the S2 downforce figures were reckoned to be identical to the S1.

Thanks again to Lotus for thinking of our S1 residuals and dumming down the new car

I prefered the orange and thought this lot of pics didn’t make it look as special as the recent orange ones that Pesky posted, more like a, well, S2 Elise with a roof.


“more like a, well, S2 Elise with a roof”

Agree 100%.

I just prefer the look of it, probably because it’s the colour I would probably choose if I went for one.

But on the evidence of what we’ve seen so far, I certainly won’t and I seriously wonder how many will go for this over the 111R which is really well priced in comparison to the Exige and has the same engine.

Seems to me that, on paper at least, the S2 is something of a triumph of style over substance, but a test drive will prove this one way or the other

I love that colour! It’s different to the silver mine is (and most S1’s I’ve seen), it’s almost white… Dead dead sexy!


I like the S2’s stiling, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the S1 is a mini ferrari dino and so will always have that to look up to, the S2 is more it’s own design so is more unique in it’s own right… Still I don’t much go for the backend of the S2 but the front is much sexier IMHO.

For me the S2 Exige looks more like something James Bond would step out of, while the S1 is more like a sweaty Steve McQueen falling out of

I’d rather be Steve McQueen but each to their own

“For me the S2 Exige looks more like something James Bond would step out of, while the S1 is more like a sweaty Steve McQueen falling out of”

Which is precisely why I feel the S1’s a racer and the S2’s trying to look like one

well, I never liked the front of the S2, never liked the whole car to be honest… but there you go…
I think we all agree that this new thingy should never have been called Exige…it’s a S2 coup� as we call it on the continent…

"it’s a S2 coup� as we call it on the continent… "

Totally agree.

What we are seeing here is Lotus trying to grab some market share from Porsche. By all accounts, the Exige is a much more refined car than the S1, which it needs to be if Boxster customers are to change their allegiances.

I love that colour! It’s different to the silver mine is (and most S1’s I’ve seen), it’s almost white… Dead dead sexy!


Woe there, steady boy!

I like the S2’s stiling … Still I don’t much go for the backend of the S2 but the front is much sexier IMHO.

I don’t dislike the S2 styling, just prefer the classic ageless-ness of the S1. Personally, I prefer the S2 Elise rear to the that of the S1 Elise. But as you say, each to their own.

I’d rather be Steve McQueen

Every day of the week, and twice on Sunday!


Woe there, steady boy!

Oops too late, I’ve made a mess LOL!

What is that silver? Sits really well with the black.

Mark, I’m starting to worry about you!


"it’s a S2 coup� as we call it on the continent… "

Totally agree.

What we are seeing here is Lotus trying to grab some market share from Porsche. By all accounts, the Exige is a much more refined car than the S1, which it needs to be if Boxster customers are to change their allegiances.

yep, but I don’t think that many porkster drivers will swap…

Mark, I’m starting to worry about you!


LOL! Starting is a good thing, most people who really know do worry about me! LOL!

I just like that S2 colour, I do really love the S1 Exige don’t get me wrong, I fell in love with it when I first saw it 2 years ago, then when Rob (from Basildon) gave me a ride in one at Goodwood I knew I had to have one!

It’s just everything about them is mad, the engine is abucket of nails but to me that’s so appropiate, none of this high tech variable cam business, just big cam’s that mean it’s only happy screaming

But I also know that one day I’ll need a respray (at least the front end) and I do like that colour rubs legs Vic & Bob stile

This is what’s been getting Mark so excited.


ps. Tried to post the pic itself, but it didn’t work for some reason. Anybody else wanna try?

More pics here

Hey, AndyD, it’s got studs in the ends of the spoiler! Get’em on coryright!



  • Those rear hatch hinges look better(/heavy)! D’you think it comes with that black pole to keep it open?!

  • Proper boot too (just like a race car).

  • No sign of the carpets in the promo shots (are they ashamed or something?!)

  • The dash isn’t very deep

  • The side on view may just sum it all up

  • Hadn’t noticed the cut outs behind the front wheels before

  • The wheels are rather nice!

  • Honestly, they could have used black screws for the bolt-on side thingies

  • Where’s the aeriel?


Is the wing bolted onto the engine cover ?? looks like it to me…

looking at the pics, i think it is fixed to the boot coverthat is fixed to the engine cover.

Yep, looks like that to me too! (but the wing is small, not much force there)

I like the alloy hinges.
And those wheels! hmmm, reason enough to have the car

The rest is just S2 (although no fake vents in the rear is good)

It looks better in silver, though I still think the rear spoiler looks stumpy, and I’d want to colour code all the black tack-ons. It still looks puny compared to an S1.

But ultimately, it still has only half the downforce of the original… making it only half the car in my opinion…

Expect to see S2 Exiges being spanked by S1 Exiges through Craners…

Let’s hope that Elise Parts et al, can manufacture some serious spoilers/splitters to get that lost downforce back.