Should I worry about these strained wires?

The wires to my front fuse box are under a fair bit of strain. Is this normal?
I would like to have a bit of slack instead.
Anyone who has experienced the same, and how did you solve it (if you did)?

Preferably like this


The wires are clipped along rear of radiator, just fiddle the wires to give you a little more slack. Add a couple of cable ties along to eleviate some of the stress on the fuse wires.
Nothing to lose any sleep over

They will be ok and have been so far.
But while you have access and for peace of mind, get a little more slack and cable tie them to reduce the strain.

Everything has been off the car (for quite some time) and I wasn’t sure I got it all back to where it once was. The strain doesn’t come from the part behind the radiator shroud but from the thicker one taking a U-bend.
It should probably be tied up somewhere, but I just can’t remember where or how.