She's home

After leaving our garage in July while a new kitchen was installed, the Exige is back.
She spent her holidays in a neighbour’s garage and was well behaved and well looked after with occasional outings to keep her fit and well.
And so, my fellow members of the Northern Chapter, the long-running saga of Thommo’s kitchen, stretching back over four years, is at and end. Apart from a short “snagging” list, that is. . .
A Christmas/ New Year outing might be on the cards if we can get ourselves organised, then next year there’s Folembray with LoT and Nyloc, a possible Nyloc trip to Hockenheim for the Jim Clark anniversary, and maybe the long-awaited North Coast 500 run.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

well done



Great news Steve :clap:

Of course a picture wouldn’t go amiss :confused:

Just what I was thinking Jonny.

What are the worktops like Thommo? :wink: