She's back!

Un-SORNed the Exige after its first winter lay-off since I bought it. But weather warnings and high winds might delay its exit from the garage for a while.

Nice one thommo, have you got any plans for European trips this year?

No, sadly… A bit of a restricted programme this year as every event I wanted to do including exiges trackday clash with hols. The NYLOC Euro tour to Spain was top of my list for this year but, as I’ve mentioned on here, we going up the Danube! Can’t bloody believe it.
Hope all well with you. Did you make a choice re car for track with your lad?

Did you get it out in the sun today?

No not yet thommo just been too busy work wise and family life, certainly not complaining though as these things come first. I have been enjoying the new Esseesse though and it does put a big smile on my face each time I get into it, especially from the Akrapovic zorst :wink:

Sadly, no. And the bike has got cobwebs, too, as we have so rarely had a dry day without gales😬

If I listened carefully I could probably hear you down here😳
Type R gone?

In which case take it outside for a few minutes. Problem solved :laughing:

Out of hibernation then, Tim? :thumbup:
Good to hear from you. Glad to offer an opportunity for a bit of fun . . .

Good lad Thommo! My S1 out this week…

Hi Mark, put mine back on SORN again this week in view of the current “situation”.
Don;t let those pesky Derbyshire cops catch you out and about. Shopping at Tesco’s in an S1 is clearly not permissable :crazy:

Mines SORN’d again after only been put back on the road 4 weeks ago. Had considered using to do the essential shopping trip but didn’t think it was appropriate

probably should have sorn both the Elise and Clio, neither will be used.