Sherman RIP fella

It is with great sadness to tell you that Sherman passed away peacefully yesterday morning just a few weeks short of his 11th birthday. This after losing my beautiful wife Diane less than 2 years ago.

God bless you Sherman, now safe in Diane’s arms.


Mate, whilst I haven’t met you, and assuming I’ve interpreted your message correctly - I’m so sorry for your loss. Heartbreaking.


Tim, so sorry to hear this, peoples faces when he climbed out the back of the evora was so funny

RIP Sherman

Sorry to hear that mate, i can still picture him as a puppy! RIP Sherman

I can’t begin to imagine what you are going through.



I thought Sherman might have been your son.

He was the son i never had :cry:

Awful news Tim. RIP Sherman.

Feel your pain, been through it 10 years ago and sadly will again shortly as my boy was 10 in February…
Keep your pecker up buddy
Remember the good times (im sure there are many!!!)

Thanks everyone for your kind words and thoughts.

Really sad news Tim, feel for you.

We’ve just started our journey with a puppy, he’s sitting here with me now. I always grew up with dogs and figured my kids deserved same.

Oh, Tim, that’s so sad. He was a great character, much like his owner. Thinking of you, pal here in Germany at the Jim Clark Memorial with lots of Lotus friends.
Remember, you’ve got loads of Lotus friends.

Thanks Steve, that means a lot mate.

You bloody have got loads of Lotus friends buddy :wink: Tough 2 years Tim, overwhelming so.

Daves right though, pecker up. Always look on the bright side of life, funny, ironic but true.

God bless Sherman.

Yes, you have lots of Lotus friends so hit us up for company even in goulash land any time you wish.

We can talk woofs, Loti, food and lifes ups and downs.

Very sad to hear the news. Been through it with my Shaggy one sone years ago. It is hard I know. The good memories always remain!

Come visit anytime mate.

Now I must find young Thommo around here tomorrow so we can talk about you, Loti, biscuits and English two taps etc :wink:
Maybe even sunburns as it was roasting hot today. Anglesey, Hockenheim, where next am I going to meet an exiger this month?!

Awww Tim , know how hard losing a pet can be …

Still miss mine. Jonnyfox introduced me to inappropriate red wine drinking and I feel more able to cope now.
In more serious tones, I’m very sorry to hear, Tim.

I have tried everything to post a pic, but it just won’t work for me. To see a couple of pics, here is a link

Spot on Jonny. Every day is hard for me. Sherman was a huge support to me and an amazing companion in the two years since I lost Diane.

Thanks to everyone again for the kind words, lets leave the thread here. RIP Sherman.

A PM away or nearer mate.