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A couple of friends of mine own Car Guys TV they have reviewed my Elise, other than a couple of minor incorrect facts, it is a fun watch

Lotus Elise Heritage Type 79 FULL REVIEW – just add lightness! - YouTube

Your car is looking great Ade.

Seem to be a few of these lower level you tubers springing up now. How many subscribers/views do they need to make anything at all out of it, or is it just a hobby and an excuse to drive other people’s car’s?

Decent watch, nice to have some Youtube without a single “innit bruv”. Car also looks great!

I don’t think it’s a straight forward equation, but JayEmm has done a couple of videos/comments on PH about this very topic as his own channel grew and I think he was in the region of 40-50k subs and approx 7-10k views 2-3 times per week… and even then, he’s hardly making billions from it. I reckon for most it’s a hobby that just about washes its face, but for the elite few it can be quite lucrative.

I view it like professional Snooker, you pretty need to be in the top 5 to make a decent living from it, fall out of the top 10-20 and you’re probably under pressure to get a day job alongside…

Car looked well, Ade. It was a reminder of just how good the S1 is. Got me wishing for better weather and drier roads so I can un-SORN.
Thanks for posting.

it is a fun Hobby for Damian, apparently the income doesn’t even cover the fuel he uses LOL
they really aren’t in it for the money, to make any serious cash you need to have many subscribers, even better lucrative deals on the side selling products or marketing and being paid for that

They are certainly more entertaining than most youtube car stuff, you can see where the exposure goes and why, search “supercar blondie”

:laughing: There really is some dross out there.

Enjoyed that. They came across as enthusiastic and interested.

Oh yes, but she rakes in the cash, makes no sense really, other than her looks I suspect…

Car looks great Ade

Wasn’t out on salty roads? :slight_smile:

One of my mates has just handed in his notice as a GP to become the cameraman for his daughter’s You Tub antics. She has been earning more than he could so seemed an easy choice. And yes, she has many followers ( 350000 subscribers!)

Wow 350,000! Makes car guys seem very tiny at 45,000

Oh and they are just about to launch watch guys tv, my other passion, I might have a number of watches…