Settings for Öhlins (Cup circuit list)

Sounds like it went well
be careful though with buzzing the engine the only Yota engines I have heard go pop were due to this

The only good cross ‘drilled’ brake discs are from Porsche. As I understand that’s because they are not actually drilled but moulded (is that the right term?).

Porsche discs are made by brembo, and yes you are correct in saying that they are cast into the design rather than drilled afterwards. You should never drill discs!!

Even with the cast holes in, small hiarline cracks will start to appear radiating out to the eadge of the discs. these are perfectly acceptable, its when they start opening up to over 1/2mm or get close to the edges you need to start worrying… Brembo/porsche discs can fail in this way.

p.s regarding the cars set up for different tracks…there is no hard or fast rule for it, whatever data Lotus have will be set up around theer driver and the style of driving he likes. If you want that sort of info there is only one way to do it and thats is by getting out there and do you own testing (if you have the time, money and patience that is), what works for one will not work for another, simple as.

p.s regarding the cars set up for different tracks…there is no hard or fast rule for it, whatever data Lotus have will be set up around theer driver and the style of driving he likes. If you want that sort of info there is only one way to do it and thats is by getting out there and do you own testing (if you have the time, money and patience that is), what works for one will not work for another, simple as.

I agree 100% with that, although the Lotus settings will be a good starting place.

PS I presume you & Nick are now back in the UK?

I Just got back today Rob, absolutely knackered mate. Nick is still over there for a few more days yet doing trade shows for his business, I had to get back to run mine…Lifes shite isnt it? Although saying that, we did end up in Maui for the last 4 days of the trip catching a few rays

Back to the settings, what you will probably find is they have base figures they work from, then it will be no more than a few clicks and holes either way for each track they visit. I very much doubt you will see any massive changes for the type of tracks they run on with that series. Perhaps going from a tight twisty track to say a big international cicuit which will be more open and flowing they will have the biggest setting changes, but even then it still wont appear to be far off the base setting where they know the car is working good.


I think we agree about the settings

Personally, I’ve found it most beneficial to adjust my Nitrons when driving on a wet track rather than dry, & vice versa