What a totally wierd place that is especially if you are selling stuff

First thing is they ask for pictures - of a starter motor? - do they know what they look like??

If you are lucky enough for them to acknowledge that they have received the pics :unamused:

they ask you if it is OEM? - read the advert?

They then confirm that they will be buying it off you :smiley:

You give them payment details :clap:

You put SOLD on item

Donā€™t hear from them for days, if at all, or they make a stupid excuse for not wanting it anymore :laughing:

Generalising I know but what a shower of merde :smiley: - rocks

I think ā€˜cliqueā€™ is the word youā€™re looking for :slight_smile:

Donā€™t get me started! Iā€™ve sworn never to go on there again haha!

only had stupid offers for my carbon parts on there, would rather keep them than sell them cheap.


Did you see the generally derogatory comments I received for putting my Exige on the market? ā€œItā€™s not worth THAT muchā€ was the general tone but oddly there was interest, so I couldnā€™t have really been wide of the mark.

Sadly I find myself getting drawn in to it all, poor form on my partā€¦

I did look Kurt but couldnā€™t find the thread, post a link. There does seem to be a little anti Exige on there. Or maybe anti Iā€™m pleased for you well doneā€¦

Iā€™m banned from there for being a naughty boy and having an opinion that contradicted the views of the moderators / directors .
Itā€™s a truly awful forum .
The gloating thread debating wether Lotus cars would go bust was probably its lowest point.
I probably upset them even more by buying a new car from Lotus !

Did it sell or have you decided to keep hold of it? I didnā€™t read the posts.


Very decent of you not to reveal my stupid offers :lolno: :lolno: :lolno: :lolno: :lolno:

The posts were made on my advert which Iā€™ve subsequently deleted when I decided to withdraw the the car from sale. Itā€™s a keeperā€¦

Iā€™ve said it before but I think one of the main reasons values are being held back is because of that forum.

Theyā€™re all in their little comfort zone, hoping that nobody would dare to better than them in any aspect of life or have a better post count FFS! :slight_smile: Generalising a bit possibly but you get the idea.

Hi fidelity,

I agree with your general consensus. I honestly think there are people on there who have nothing else going on in their lives, judging from their post counts. And the drivel is amazing. One blokes just been served with a notice his Mrs is divorcing him (and is a total surprise to him) and heā€™s gleefully posting stuff about Brexit. Honestly, Stop. Assess. Re-calibrateā€¦

As for values of cars, well, I marketed mine as to what I thought Iā€™d take for it rather than following trends closely. Iā€™m sure the Ā£6K Elise is still out there, but only if the seller can stomach thatā€¦

Seloc is great - it gives me huge laughs reading the political commentary $hit & the incredibly candid personal/private reveals posted every single day. I am gobsmacked at the stuff posted by many of the supposed intelligent/professionals who seem to exist living in their little cyber worlds/circle of luvvies with no knowledge/experience of what actually happens outside their bubble. I very rarely read any of their posts about carsā€¦far better sources are available in that respect.

It can be amusing, although there are times when I havenā€™t got a scooby doo what a particular thread is about. I simply assume itā€™s my amoebic level IQ.

Iā€™m new to Exiges but the difference here is marked. Friendly, helpful advice without all the opinionated bollocks, very refreshing.
As for car values, I remember advertising my Scandal Sport 160 a few years ago and one guy sent me a message telling me it wasnā€™t worth the Ā£15K it was advertised for! Wtfā€¦
Anyway, I sent a suitably cheery reply a few weeks later telling this person that it had been sold for Ā£14,750ā€¦

Quite why there are certain individuals that constantly talk values down still staggers me. Values are significantly rising on anything S1 and are rock solid S2 wise.
Supply and demand, simple as.

As I said, much nicer place here and long may it stay that way :slight_smile:

:thumbup: :clap:

Iā€™m very much a lurker on Seloc; Iā€™ve met some guys and girls off there and donā€™t get me wrong they are overall very friendly.

However I have never seen a forum that is more akin to a boys club/episode of EastEnders. Why some people want to divulge their private lives on there in so much detail is thoroughly lost on me. Thereā€™s some fantastic builds combined with great technical knowledge and that is the reason I like to read rather than post.

Exiges is a fantastic community, close knit and welcoming thatā€™s for sure. I feel lucky to be a member.

All adds to,the Exige ownership pleasureā€¦never found an owners group as helpful.

Have fun