SELOC Charity Day

Hope it’s not a problem to post this as it is a charity event.


[image]SELOC | Lotus Enthusiasts Club

After the success of the last year�s London to Brighton Charity Run, SELOC�s key charity event this year will be The Great SELOC Charity Event on 31st July 2004.

  • Runs from around the UK starting at superb venues, we want over 500 cars!
  • Attempt the Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of Lotus cars
  • A vast array of events and activities taking place at the central finishing venue
  • Huge on-line auction offering a variety of goods, services and products
  • and much much more�.

The event is officially recognised and endorsed by Tommy�s, the national baby charity, , the beneficiary of funds raised in the UK by this year�s event.

SELOC�s 2004 charity event will be national, with a strong contingent from Europe expected. The event starts with multiple car runs, open to all SELOC cars, along designated routes, organised under the MSA banner, starting from 5 geographic locations in the UK:

Location Run Starts

North: Donington Motorsport Museum

Central: Blenheim Palace

South East/East: Duxford Imperial War Museum

South West: Castle Combe Race track

West/Midlands: National Motorcycle Museum, NEC

Start times, which will allow for a staggered start, vary according to location, see Event and Charity forums for further details. Click [here]( for Run registration, please complete all fields!

All runs converge on Bruntingthorpe, , in the Midlands, the finish venue, where a range of events and activities will be available for members to enjoy once they have finished the runs. Bruntingthorpe have made available their superb facilities for SELOC�s Charity Event, the venue offering good access from major roads. We want a minimum of 500+ SELOC member cars to participate on the runs alone.

Therefore to encourage maximum participation on the runs SELOC have applied to the Guinness World Records to register the largest ever gathering of Lotus models.

An additional 60 SELOC member cars will be using the main circuit at Bruntingthorpe for a track day, one of numerous events, as listed below, taking place on the day at Bruntingthorpe to encourage run participation.

Main Circuit - Track day from 0930 to 1730. Passenger rides with SELOC members, celebrities and in super cars will be auctioned on-line.

Driver Handling Course - a separate course laid out to test both the driver and car.

Auto Finesse - a tight course designed to test your driving accuracy.

Off-road Circuit - Off-roading passenger experience in 4x4 vehicles, as well as the opportunity to drive 4x4 vehicles under instruction.

Rally School � try your hand at a few handbrake turns�(TBC)

- Trade stands - across a range of Lotus related goods, products and services
- Dealer stands - static displays of cars and merchandise
- Manufacturer Stands � a limited number of cars will be on track for demonstrations
- Concourse show � including historic Lotus models
- Bruntingthorpe�s air museum
- Video games using life size race cars
- Food and drink stalls, including refreshments from Tango
- Entertainment for all throughout the day from human table football to a bouncy castle

- BBQ, live band and SELOC campsite

Further announcements concerning events and those participating will be made as the date approaches.

Please register on the Events pages for both the Runs and Trackday. You will be directed to the on-line shop for payment.

If you want to do the track day @ �99, please note that you won't have time to take part in a run.
If you have already registered for the Charity Run please update your details, including the run participation fee � those who have paid will see the Tommy�s logo appear on their forum profile.

All monies go direct to charity after costs.

- �20 per car run participation fee. Each run participant will receive a goodie bag at the start. The run fee will be refunded if �70 or more in sponsorship is raised and collected.

- To help those taking part in the runs raise sponsorship, sponsors will be entered into a raffle for some superb prizes, including a weekend at one of London�s newest hotels.

- �25 per car charged at the gate for those not doing the runs or the track day.

On-line auction offering a variety of goods, services and products � main auction starts 1st July, watch out for early bird items over next few weeks.

Having raised �15,000 last year, we would like to raise in excess of �30,000 + this year.

We call on all SELOC�ers to offer their support whether it be taking part in the runs, offering an item for auction, or to help out in any way on the day. Please contact Pat Crew, e-mail: <[email protected]>, tel: 07838 215149 if you wish to assist.

By working with Tommy�s, utilising their event management skills and contacts in the world of entertainment and motorsport, combined with SELOC�s experience of organising and running both track days and runs, the event, centred on the Bruntingthorpe, will offer a memorable day out for all concerned and raise a significant sum for the charity.

We look forward to seeing you ALL there

[A few snippets of related other info]

To register for the charity event ...
Create a login if you dont have one already (its free!)
Register yourself on the Event pages
Although its an attempt on the Guiness World Record for the largest gathering of Lotus models, the event is open to all SELOC'ers, not just those with Lotus models!

Registration for the Charity Track Day (60 places @ �99) is open to paid-up members right now, and then open to all members from 1st June.
Should be a pretty spectacular day to remember, and raise cash for kiddies too!


I’d love to take part in this but… bleedin heck wee man… look how far North the Northern start point is… hah… almost in danger of reaching the middle of the country… only falling short by about 100ish miles…

bah humbug…

The runs had to be no more than 2 hours drive from Brunty so that they arrived from 1030/1100 onwards at the venue to enjoy/take part in the days activities.

The problem from the North was getting around all the surburban areas hence starting from a spot that’s near to the M1 and fast roads from the North. The North run will take in some of Leics more entertaining roads.

There will be a campsite at Stanford Hall about 15 mins from Brunty with all the facilities and the estates cafe on the Sunday morning for the full monty breakie.

In addition there is the TD which we would like to see a few more Exiges on. We also have some manufacturers coming including ADR and Mitsubishi with Radical and Noble to confirm. These will be running on the 2nd track to the South of the main circuit courtesy of The Lloyds of London Car Club, meaning that you’ll also be able to drive said machines.

Asides from that we have a growing super car display with one ride per super car being auctioned for run at the end of the day on the main track.

The one car of interest for all which has just about finished its lengthy rebuild and is in the throws of having its set up done is the Elise GT1. Graham finally has a trailer for the car so he can get her around more easily. Expect to see GT1 at GFOS in summer and at the SELOC Charity Event at the end of July along with a few other rare and unusual super cars.

The northern point was picked by the NYLOC guys (North Yorkshire), plus we don’t want to end up with runs which are 200 miles long .

However if you want to do the trackday you can’t do any of the runs due to start and arrival times.

cheers mark (and Felix)

i was really only being fastidious… no fascist… no facetious… well something with fast in it anyway…

well i’ll have to be pretty fast to get to Bruntingthorp in 2 hours anyway…