Selling at last


PS We now all know what state your wishbones are in, so no wonder you’re scared to take it on track - it’s not cos it’s got a K series engine after all

I’m starting to get a real complex about this now…might need to gaffer tape my wishbones for Anglesey so that nobody can accuse me of abusing my Exige.

I’m starting to get a real complex about this now…might need to gaffer tape my wishbones for Anglesey so that nobody can accuse me of abusing my Exige.

That’s two of us so far, then!

im so paranoid about mine, i did this–


the wheels are never going back on and its not being driven

Thats no good …

Look at the top of the brake caliper … its starting to rust

Thats no good …

Look at the top of the brake caliper … its starting to rust

Agreed… if I were you, I’d maintain it REGARDLESS OF COST and have them gold plated.

Agreed… if I were you, I’d maintain it REGARDLESS OF COST and have them gold plated.

And you’re one of the few peeps I know who could actually afford to do that!

Agreed… if I were you, I’d maintain it REGARDLESS OF COST and have them gold plated.

And you’re one of the few peeps I know who could actually afford to do that!

Is that because of the Google Ads?

Is that because of the Google Ads?

You may think that, but I couldn’t possibly comment.

is that the orange one S111 HOT ?

Is that an “Exige”, or a m/sport bodied Elise?

Rob its the real deal (Exige) - it used to be a Lotus factory car.

Blimey just noted I’m now an old hand

Knickers! that one lives near me and was to be my mistaken identity alibi if I ever needed it :wink: