See Emilie play

Pi$$ed myself laughing at the video

This made me laugh…

“Russell Treasure, my driver for the day, is obviously used to the constant attention… people often think he’s a footballer.”

I wonder who told her that…


Great Acting Russ

Have you thought about taking it up as a career

Although I was expecting some sort of Pink Floyd comment when I saw the thread

This made me laugh…

“Russell Treasure, my driver for the day, is obviously used to the constant attention… people often think he’s a footballer.”

Well, I suppose he does dribble alot.

Legendry!!! That was funny, fair play mate. My fave bit is the look on Russ’s face in the reflection of the mirror of the cloths shop. Its like a scene out of Pretty Woman. lol

Did you ask her if she wanted any nuts mate??


Nice open neck look Russ, you big smoothy!


It was a bloody hard day - I did not enjoy it at all.

First I had to sit in the nail shop with six girls.
Then I had to drive a 25 year old blonde around.
Then sit in a clothes shop with seven girls.
Hard graft I can tell you.

Funniest thing was that the reporter decided she wanted dropping off at the hairdressers which was in the middle of the pedestrian only shopping centre. So we thought sod it and drove down the middle! Traffic wardens decended like wasps so I told them we were filming footballers wives, they radioed in to the big cheese and we got permission to go where we wanted for the day!!!

Nice one mate!
I bet you hated every minute of it
I bet the traffic wardens and the big cheese will tell all there friends that he had some part of the making of footballers wives