Sector 111

so funny…i can’t even get the post right…

now…don’t get too excited, coz i’m not saying i will for definate yet. but…I am going stateside in May and maybe in a position to bring back a few bits, even have a contact to fwd larger stuff for us if i can’t bring it home in my suitcase. just thought i would check interest first… I have a feeling this might become a hot topic and a crazy idea…pressing the button in 3, 2 , 1…secs. press!


all i need now is mr jonnyfox to sign on…he’ll order anything carbon, you know it, i know it, we all know it!

I wouldnt mind something if possible, I will send you a pm :slight_smile:

no worries…

shit…jonnyfox is online…oh boy!

What sort of carbon bits ?

everything carbon bits…he’s sick for it

he gave me a driving lesson the other day…OMG! respect where its due!

If you can get everything carbon bits , I have a list :slight_smile: any pics ?

check out their site…

PS - not an agent, just a guy who goes to the US a a lot! lol

which is?

let me know. pm me.

still a little nervous…jonnyfox is online again…its like treading on egg shells. all of a sudden i’ll be swapped with orders of an the new 100% carbon fibre engine, alas only bestowed upon those who carbon beliefs are beyond that of the average man…hail the JF!

is it the Reverie (UK) stuff on the Sector111 website or other carbon bits .

its whatever you need stateside…i’m trying to find out if interest is high enough, i could consolidate a US order making the delivery affordable…

Nutter…I don’t him :whistle: He’s not with :wink:

careless he has become, a jedi he is not!

only to the darkside may his fate become

Long may rest the moderator… a jedi he truly will become