scottish owners track night

i have a track night booked for the 31st of may at knockhill. its going to be pretty strict rules so everyone enjoys the night, from newbies to experienced track day specialists. theres quite a mixed batch of cars attending at the moment, things like p1s, evos, a dax cosworth, 205 turbo`s, focus rs and possibly a metro it promises be a very good night.

start time is 18.00 running on to 20.00
it`s a thursday night, so no weekend drinking time lost!
price is �60 per car for 1 driver, �40 for an additional driver.
places can be secured with a �30 deposit to myself with the rest being paid on the night, or payment in full before the night, entirely up to you. though, i must stress there is a limited number of spaces available, so first come first served.

thanks for looking


Hi Goldie

A bit off topic but did you get that Piper 4-1 that I flogged you on ebay to work OK?


rob my good man! yes worked fantastic! little low for the speed bumps, but made good flow in the metro.

good to here from you mate

no takers then?

Good luck trying to get this lot to attend anything north of Croft!
A few of us have been trying to with no luck

Have you been to Scottish Elises ?

i havent yet buddy no, ill try and register to see how it goes.

i hoped there`d be at least a few exiges in the mixing pot on the night

Oh yes, there are up here, but SE is so active that most exigers just use that site instead.

Lack of response may also be because it’s very soon after the SIDC day on the 26th which is popular with Lotus owners.

i can`t seem to get registeredon sc, any chance of a member posting a copy of this thread? my email address is [email protected] for anyone interested off there. thanks

bttt, nearly time

2 weeks to go, no one representing then?