Scottish Contingent - KH 13th Sept

Roxy, what you need is a Dukes of Hazzard style horn. That should get their attention.

One of the problems with overtaking on the right is you normally have to swing from the far left (right handed corners) to the right, to pass a car that is less on the limit whilst heading off towards the wet, slower line. Not ideal really.

90% of the drivers indicated to at least let me know where they were headed (if they saw me). It was 50/50 between them staying left or right.


Perhaps this thread makes it sound worse than it really is, but I would not drive KH (or any other trackday with mixed ability drivers on track at the same time) with those sort of overtaking “rules”. It seems to me that it has been extremely fortunate that, to date, no one has been hit!

Perhaps I’m just a sasanach wimp!


Perhaps I’m just a sasanach wimp!

Soft suvverners… …I think we might be making it sound worse but you are right… its only a matter of time.

Your Rad scared the wosnames out of everyone so they got out of your way more readily… i’m only drivin a hard top elise so some folk might have more to prove… ??

Anyway… i’ll still be back.