Scary horrible screachy noise when cornering

Went out today in the fantastic dry winter weather.

Was blatting around on my fave roads when I was going through a few Z bends and heard a really horrid screechy noise.

Nearly poo’d me’sen…

Got out the car, looked round, all seemed ok, so I set off taking it steady for a few miles and went back the way I’d come back upto speed. Heard the noise again…It was the bloody CD player It must be jumping or something.

That’ll teach me for buying cheap crap.

Bah humbug to you all


Did the same this afternoon. Was great blatting weather!

What on earth are you doing listening to a CD when you could be listening to fab engine noises…

To admin this is like ‘coming out’ but on long runs I wear earplugs…I always though the K sound was a bit crap from inside tbh

I tend to have screeching noises when i drive tens to be the tyres though

I wear earplugs too, but because of the volume of the noise, not the type.
Also wore ear plugs with bikes, which had a very nice sound, but I just prefer driving silently…

I’ve heard that women can cause unnecessary screeching from the passenger seat.

I’ve heard that women can cause unnecessary screeching from the passenger seat.

Vinyl Veronique always screams when she passengers your dad (or when he tries to feed her!)