Saw MADDOG on telly last night!

On Sky’s World Motorsport coverage of the Britcar Night Race at Brands. As you will recall, the race was won by Team Scandal (both drivers also interviewed), & MADDOG could clearly be seen congratulating the drivers just outside the pit garage at the end of the race.

Scary stuff - I was worried about having nightmares

sign up for autographs

Just watched it, great result, gutted I had to leave early and missed the end.
Hopefully get to watch it this year, if not have a go myself!


they had a rerun on sky sports today and saw myself on TV
weird experience

Most people “between jobs” cancel Sky Sports as an economy measure!

Most people “between jobs” cancel Sky Sports as an economy measure!

Lol, they phoned me today and offered me my job back for more money

Anyone who hasnt seen it can watch it here.


Thanks for that Chrsitian, I really enjoyed it. A perfect lunchtime break (18mins).


But I think Harry Handkammer dissed Simon a bit!


Thanks for that Chrsitian, I really enjoyed it.

Second that excellent thanks

But I think Harry Handkammer dissed Simon a bit!

Did I miss a bit? I did notice that the commentator said there had been some “controversy” about allowing the Prosport to enter.

I thought that they both came across really well in the interviews nd was amazed at just how poor their lights were compared to some of the others.

I think it might have been the comment, the prosport goes well when theres a decent driver in it.

OK, I must have misunderstood him then, I thought he was actually saying they were able to wring the best out of the car…obviously took it the wrong way

I think it might have been the comment, the prosport goes well when theres a decent driver in it.


good call quo… excelent link