Save Castle coombe petition


I love Castle Combe. It may be dangerous and antiquated but it’s a great club circuit.

  1. Stuart Crouch This curcuit brings enjoyment to thousands and thousands of people. As well as income revenue and jobs to the area, please do not close this historic circuit.
  2. Alex McKay
  3. Simon Dann Who was there first, the circuit or the resident complaining!
  4. David Sutton

If it does close I hope its turned into a International Airport with 100’s of 747’s flying daily. If it doesn’t I think it should be the new home for the British Grand Prix. I can’t belive some people are petty, it’s been a race track for 50 years. It’s must have been there when they moved in!

8685 - Pesky

8697 - must look for a trackday there soon

8701 - Stick that in your tailpipe!