Safety Mods

Yes, yes he was :laughing:

Defo worth the trip/call to MSAR if you need gear,…just allocate an appropriate amount of time to get the full ‘world according to Malcolm’ download that comes free with every purchase :smiley:

My package arrived from MSAR and my kids wanted me to put it all on :

Youngest : scared because I look like an astronaut
Middle : awesome can I take him to school wearing it
Oldest : hilarious that Daddy has bought a onesie

Made the mistake of saying ‘all the gear, no idea’ which they chanted all the way to school :laughing:

Hahaha… excellent !

Is Malcolm’s main business still the sale of ladies lingerie? If so, is that the real reason the kids reacted as they did? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no Rob, god forbid :open_mouth:

This pic of my middle lad in my new lid has made me smile today though :laughing:

Brilliant :slight_smile:

Do want an iridium visor for mine

Had Malcolm speaking at me yesterday and am soon to be basal skull fracture protected

I wore my HANS for the first time at Spa this week… I found it very comfortable once I got used to putting it on and getting the straps in the right place! - Once on the move you don’t really notice it - I will be wearing it at every track day from now on.

Yup me too. OK I only drove Dave’s R300 for one session but by the time I’d left the pitlane I’d forgotten I was wearing it.

As has already been said; if you need or can justify a new lid then the extra £200 is a no-brainer.

/ Pats air bag :wink: