Safety Mods

This is the video

I feel a trip to MSAR coming on.

Like I said at the start of the thread, I just want to be sensible. Since I need a new lid anyway then HANS looks sensible. If I’m making the trip I may as well see if Malcolm has a badger suit in stock :smiley:

yeah I’ll come along when you go, test some seats out

Seriously have a look at the hybrid before you go HANS buddy… HANS is designed for F1 where there is very limited lateral movement of the head due to the protection in the car already…

In our Lotus’ there is no such protection… the hybrid looks a better option to me.

yeah my head was tweaked sideways as I was looking where the noise was coming from over my left shoulder, the boom

Anyone use their car suit for karting?

Ben my ha’pth worth. :clap:
Hans or similar will become compulsory in all forms of racing from 2016 :sunglasses:
I dont know about the hybrids but sound ideal.
6 point harness also vital…not on the Schroths 4 pointers as not also not with HANS :confused: .
If you are changing harnesses I recommend Willans …They are UK made and their adjusters are a dream to use. :slight_smile:
After 4 years of racing I now would not go on circuit without all my kit…suit ,, balaclava. even though we are" only " doing trackdays. Might be regarded as a ponse but who cares.You just never know whats round the corner …literally. :astonished:
Cage …of you have the reinforced bulkhead roll cage that must help. My car has the full FIA cage which is a bit restricting but you get used to it :eh: …Hoffmans supply a much tidier cage than the LOTUS one…If I had an S1 I would be fitting one
…as for hitting head . your harnesses should be tight but you can also use MSA spec rollcage protection foam in suitable areas.
Safety is priceless …ask your kids.
See you guys soon …you will recognise me …I’ll be in my Superman suit!! : :angel:

Yes, indoors and out but on reflection you don’t need the suit to be flame retardant but you do need abrasion resistance and so a race suit fails … however you do look like you know what your doing :wink:

Thought this was interesting and related…

Driver Safety: Helmets and HANS Devices - YouTube

Looks like Ryan’s not having much luck… (although luck probably won’t save you if you buzz the engine)

Lotus Elise catches fire - Oulton Park - YouTube

Jeez :open_mouth:

Maybe he’s sponsored by MSAR,…or perhaps he should be! Everytime I see one of his video it’s another compelling reason to invest in safety equipment…

not fun!

Hay Muu,
Are they your pics of Ryan’s car on fire from Oulton at the weekend. Looked a nasty fire, I came round Old Hall in car No 20 just after it happened to see Ryan climbing out the car and the marshals dealing with the flames. He was ok as far as I know but the car is a little scorched. Should be able to Repair ok though. A few laps later I unfortunately ended up in the gravel at the bottom of cascades after being squeezed a bit onto the curb at the top of the hill then loosing the back end and doing a few pirouettes down the grass until I stopped buried up to the wheel nuts in the gravel.
My first DNF since I started racing at Oulton in June 2013. Car was all ok, Just my pride that too a bruising as its a popular place to watch from.

Needless to say it really does confirm the need to get the correct safety kit. There are Exiges/Elises out the with far more power than my me in my production spec car (only 150bhp at the hubs) and I stopped only 10 foot from the barriers at the bottom of the hill in the gravel. It could have been a lot worse too if i had caught the barrier at the top of the hill. That’s when you are glad you have the full 6 point cage fitted.
I know there shouldn’t be the Overtaking risk element on a track day but accidents can happen and things can still go wrong. I wouldn’t go on a proper track day without my full suit and Hans now and I would really prefer to be in a car with an extinguisher and a full cage too, Knowing the speeds that these cars are capable of and also the speed that things can go wrong. Just my 2p.

Wise words Steve. I’m not going to put a cage in it now but am planning HANS and suit.

I was looking at the timing sheets yesterday trying to work out what had happened to you in the 2nd race. Glad that it’s just your pride that took a dent eh!!

Hi Ben,
Yea really disappointed with the DNF but then i guess its gona happen at some point and yes thankfully it was only my pride that took a dent. However the skid marks were not just confined to the track surface, if you know what I mean :open_mouth: :crazy:
At least the cars still good for Spa in three weeks. :sunglasses:

nah lifted them off ryans twitter feed, was interested to see what the flames were like

Agreed though on that safety should be taken seriously

Thanks lads for the advice. Managed to get down to MSAR and bought a new lid, HANS, suit etc. I bought the entry level HANS for £200, its a no-brainer if you need a new hat imho.

Also worth getting down to see Malcolm at MSAR. He lives and breathes this stuff and is of course an Exiger too, he’s got an S2 and used to own/race an S1. He’s a mine of information and when you’re picking gear its invaluable to have someone so knowledgable to hand to offer advice, fitting etc etc. Really great service from MSAR, cheers Malcolm.

Did you need a new harness to go with the HANS? Think it is my next purchase, at £200 it is silly not to, but I need to factor in a harnessas well I think?

You don’t need a new harness but there are benefits of moving to 2" straps and the anti-slip system so initially I’m going to see how it feels.

I suggest you speak to Malcolm at MSAR as I don’t really feel qualified to provide safety guidance, as such I can only represent what I plan to do bud.

Certainly though its now at a pricepoint where if you have a helmet with HANS post or you need a new lid then not much thought is required…

So I could now go hans as I already made the helmet purchase with Hans posts last year, maybe it is time for a new harness anyway, they are 8 years old, there must be a reason the FIA put dates on them?

Thumbs up for Malcolm.
When you had to leave, was he still talking?