Sad times **Update**

Today I was informed the company i work for are changing direction and only 90 of the 360 staff will be staying, I will be redundant in the next 2-4 months depending on how things progress with the new business direction proposals.

I have put my car on SELOC to gauge interest for value, as I may have to sell to release capital. I love this Exige, by far the best car (and Lotus) i have owned, with so much time and effort to keep it immaculate and how I want it.

Sad times but hopefully another job will appear for a new career and I won’t have to sell. I will of course continue on here and supporting our IG account.

Really sorry to hear this, I was myself gutted when I had to sell mine to plug a financial gap in a business venture, when it actually came to the day it had to go, I actually didn’t have to sell, but had taken a deposit so went through with it. Got an S1 Elise now but it isn’t the same, the drama of the SC engine and the crisp handling was something else, try your best not to sell they are so hard to replace…

Ah man. This is sad news indeed.

I hope you manage to get a new job , pronto!

Do you fancy getting out sometime in the very immediate future just for a drive?

Oh yes, do I, but I put her on SORN today to start pulling back on finances. I am on holiday from the 8th to 17th August. When I get back the serious job hunting starts, maybe I’ll renew the road tax and take you up on that offer. I’ll need that drive out!!!

You have my number, just let me know!

Really sorry to hear, as an old un been through these challenging far too many times before, but always hung onto my cars - stay positive :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear this John, it’s sad/scary times for everyone - nobody is safe :cry:

Hope you manage to make it work, I’ve had to sell a Lotus before - there’s always ways to come back bigger and stronger :thumbup:

Sorry to hear that :frowning:

If you do need to sell, maybe see if you can do a deal with first refusal to buy it back in future? Some people just want to scratch the ‘Lotus itch’ for a year or two, by which time you’ll hopefully be in a position to buy again.

Very sorry to hear that, John. You’ve become a very welcome and regular participant on here.Hope it all turns out well for you.
I’ve had three “redundos” over the years with diminishing pay-offs each time, the last when I was due to retire, so I was lucky.

Also very sorry to hear this :frowning: I was made redundant a while ago - in the end it turned out to be the best possible thing that could have happened to me, but it obviously felt truly awful at the time, and it was very sudden and unexpected too :frowning:

Truly the very best of luck with finding something new - and better! If you need to sell, then you need to sell - but if you do, then you’ll almost certainly find something else down the line when you’re in a better place. :slight_smile:

I’d kind of echo this having had a similar experience and also had to sell up due to finances before. It does all come back and my experience is normally for the better :+1:

Thank you for all the comments and replies guys.

I don’t post my personal life on social media but last night I just needed a release, which I why I posted here.
Can’t thank you all enough for your support :thumbup:

Had two customers call me today to offer there support and be references. Also a call from someone I know in the industry who is talking to his boss (MD) tomorrow. So things are rolling.

Great news, fingers crossed for you.

If I can do anything to help just let me know

That’s a fantastic offer Andy, thank you.

Sorry to hear this, hopefully you’ll be able to find a way to kept the beaut. Like others say, if you do need to sell, there are always ways back and more wonderful Lotus fish in the sea.

Extremely sorry to hear this John, and I sincerely hope you manage to get back into gainful employment in as short a time as possible, and that you manage to keep hold of your Exige, or get back into one soon.

Wish you the very best…

Since posting this and with redundancy looming in 2 weeks.

I have been active on LinkedIn, contacted 4x job agencies specific for my industry.
One interview 2 weeks ago but not successful.
3 interviews for this week, today, tomorrow and a second interview Friday, with another next week.

Interview today was good, really got on well with the MD. He rang me this afternoon to tell me to cancel the other pending interviews. I got a verbal job offer.
£5k more and a better company. Hope to start December :thumbup:

The Exige is staying and I’ll be making a list of upgrades for the new year,… leather seats, side pod ducting, maybe even a 260 upgrade :wink: :thumbup:

Wonderful news, and well done. :thumbup:

Wish you all the best…

Great news, you’re in safe hands if you need help allocating that extra wonga on car parts.

Congratulations :thumbup: