S2exige Y spoke alloys

LoL :slight_smile:

Tbh I was one of the few that voted for a closed forum on the ‘Wanted and FS’ when David was changing it all around a couple of years ago so that no one could post against f/s ads. If you remember we had it for a while but i was turned back on again…

Appreciate I may have upset a few in the last day (absolutely no hard feelings what so ever Tony), but in the long run I’ve probably done everyone a big favour in highlighting a problem with selling items on forums…


[quote=TarmacTerrorist]…but in the long run I’ve probably done everyone a big favour in highlighting a problem with selling items on forums…



Exactly what was meant with my earlier “Spot on” comment. :slight_smile:

PS Tell us about all these other items you have laying around, waiting to sell! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Are they SOLD then!!! :smiley: