I am looking for an Exige S2, preferably an S240, but also interested to see what else anyone might be considering letting go.
I am looking for an Exige S2, preferably an S240, but also interested to see what else anyone might be considering letting go.
The money is burning a hole in my pocket, but not much to choose from!
Judging from his instagram feed, I’d be talking to Jonnyboy so you get a call when he has something coming in. Best of luck with the search.
I’m in touch with JonnyBoy and WillB, I also have to factor in that my Fiancé is far from keen on my car habit, so I need to get her approval as much as is possible, which mainly means choice of colour, as that will make my life with my cars much easier
She really can’t get her head around why me having two cars is a must!!
I’m working on it