S2 standard Exige S suspension

From MY08 S2 Exige S.

Covered 4k miles

�250 + postage

Can I just check will those fit any exige or only an S?

How bad is the surface rust?

Do you have proof they have only covered 4k miles? Like photos of the speedo with you in the background removing them.

Will they be an improvement over Koni’s?

Oh will you take �249?

Oh and include postage.

:smiley: Sorry, I’ll shut the door on the way out.

PMSL :smiley:

LOL @ Boothy :slight_smile:

Nothing :frowning:

Too expensive or wrong time of year?

[quote=Damon]Nothing :frowning:

Too expensive or wrong time of year? [/quote]

In my very recent experience…


Yep &

Nope again.

HTH :wink:

Gave mine away lol…on here too :smiley:

Mine are still sitting in the shed, didn’t think they would be worth anything…

S1 elise owners buy them

Indeed they do ! my brother in law bought some for not much less Damon - had done a few more miles though.

Blimey time to sell them then, I have a large pile of stuff I was going to use to put the car back to standard if I ever sold it, now as never plan to sell I may as well sell all the bits.