S2 or S3?

Hi, I am thinking of getting an S3, I used to have an s2, wondered whether there is much difference? Any ownership issues with the s3?
I ended up moving the s2 on due to constant gear box issues, however I really miss it.

Has anyone thought about designing a roof air scoop for the s3 as I loved the look.

Thinking of trading my Audi TTRS in for one but nervous as I want this to be a long term move.


S1 :smiley:

Joking aside my understanding is the S3 is a very different proposition to the earlier series Exiges, far more grown up as a proposition. A thread comment I saw that made me laugh called it out as a Lotus your wife wouldn’t actually mind getting in and being driven in as far more refined.

I’d say drive em all, see what fits

Welcome back Dr! Get down and have a go in a V6 and/or try an Evora. I’ve not tried either but just about everyone who has seems to go on to buy one :sunglasses:

You really need to drive a V6 yourself to judge. If the interior wasn’t exactly the same you would be hard pressed to know you were driving a lotus once you got behind the wheel. The fatter tyres and completely different engine characteristics make it very different indeed. However once on track the Lotus feel returns.
For me, it is a great improvement as a road sports car over the S2. On track it is faster for sure but the V6 doesn’t have the character and smile factor the S2 has.

I have been lucky enough to have owned two fab S2’s, 2007 and 2010 models.Now 14 Months owning an LF1 S3 and absolutely love it :smiley:
I do get more pleasure from driving the S3 , which for me is the most important bit :thumbup:

Nice low mileage S2 CUP 260 Sprint Available sensibly priced if you want the smile factor back. :smiley:
PM me if you are interested :angel:

S3 is more grown up, in every way including weight LOL
Even though the car has grown the interior is still the same size and Lotus to me are trying to make it grown up without increasing interior space, why the didn’t resking to Evora chassis into the S3 Exige with a light weight interior etc is a mystery to me

Thanks for the replies, I’m trying to find an s3 local to Nottingham, as mentioned really miss the S2 but I think an S3 would be the way to go, although the RGB version is lovely.
I heard a rumour there would be a lotus dealership opening in Nottingham, although part ex valuations from other lotus dealerships have been rather mean.

Dr Troy! :wave: Welocme back.

There is a new dealership in Nottingham, although I haven’t been. S2 my favorite. 7K rpm everywhere = 30 mpg. What’s not to like? :wink:

Like Rishie says there is a new dealer in Nottingham, I was going to call in the other week when in the area but meeting got cancelled :frowning:

Better stay clear then bud, you’re already having to park some offsite! :wink:

Nice one, gave them a call, only open in the week, 9-5 bit weird.

Tell me about it!!! I have an increasing desire to acquire another sledgehammer car for family duties :smiley: