S2 nose badge

2007 Exige S.

Is the badge stuck on or secured through the body?

Want to swap mine for a black/gold version.

On my 2008 Exige it was stuck on and used fishing line to get it off when I went to black badge.

I’m wracking my brains trying to remember my Elise one which I assume was similar. Seem to think it was self adhesive but with a couple of locating pegs that sit in recesses in the clam.

Think mine had locating pins too but was stuck on

I’ll have a look this weekend and update everyone for future reference.

Best place to get a black/gold or black/silver badge?


Not got round to removing the badge, too busy with work/allotment/looking after kids.

So, I’ll get it done this week and update

Am I best getting an original black & white badge or sourcing on fleebay?