S2 mods for sale...

Ok I’m going to have a guess. Its the selling of the sport cat that’s got me intrigued. Either the header/manifold has to change as the cat doesn’t fit, or whoever’s doing the conversion won’t warranty the car without their own cat.

So guesses are:

  1. Offical Lotus Sport Supercharger conversion
  2. Something using the forcefed header
  3. A turbo conversion.

How did I do?

No cigar I’m afraid

let me have a go! Is it what you showed me in the foto?

Old secret
Which seems to be less of a secret than the new secret

Hi Jamie,
I know the secret as I popped into…yesterday as I am going to have the same conversion after my warranty runs out in September. Are you going to sacrifice your boot?
Will be interesting to see how your one turns out. Thanks for being the guinea pig!!!
